Compositing Supervisor na DISNEY Skip Navigation
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Compositing Supervisor

Candidate-se agora mesmo! Candidatar-se depois Job ID 10089503 Local Sydney, Austrália Empresa Industrial Light & Magic Data da publicação 24/06/2024

Descrição do cargo:

Your Role

As the Compositing Supervisor, you will work with the Supervision Team and alongside the Show Leadership Team (Exec Prod, Producer, PM, VFX Supe, CG Supe, Anim Supe) to plan, implement and deliver:

  • The management of clients needs, expectations and aspirations to deliver the highest quality work, on time and to budget.

  • Deliver beautiful work to the agreed methodology yet remain agile enough to adjust the plan when needed.

  • Consistent leadership locally for the project, to encourage collaboration at all levels of the project with a focus on the morale of the crew and the show leadership team

  • Be conscious of a show's schedule & budget, and be willing to change the creative choices, when possible, to stay on that schedule.

  • Know the limitations of your knowledge (e.g., technical, aesthetic, client-handling skills, etc.) and seek expert advice when appropriate.

What You'll Do

You will have three core areas of responsibility.  We have included all the information below to give you  a thorough understanding of the department, please don’t worry if you don’t have experience across everything listed!

Show Responsibilities :

  • Manage and be responsible for all aspects of 2D compositing. You will determine the technical approach and provide technical leadership to achieve the desired level of compositing on shows

  • Work with Production and CG Supervisors in designing workflow and throughput of assigned shows

  • Work with Production on bid estimates, schedules and in staff capacity planning

  • Participate in colour management including scanning photography and internal colour management systems to ensure colour consistency of ILM's work

  • Ensure proper clean-up, documentation, and archiving of the project after its completion

  • Interfaces with other departments to ensure the seamless combination of work from other disciplines

  • Assist in the assessment of software needs and requirements

Department & Team Responsibilities:

  • Participate in the supervision and leadership of people & culture decisions  including: recruitment, determination of work procedures and priorities, career development, employee morale, performance reviews and conflict resolution

  • Collaborate with the Talent manager with the employee review process and the scheduling of personnel on shows, providing input on skills, productivity, and career development

  • Responsible for honest, timely feedback to Compositing crew members

  • Assist in the design and execution of training for the compositing discipline

  • Work with the Talent Manager on defining the on-going recruitment needs of the department and is involved in the interview process for compositing candidates

Studio Responsibilities:

  • Work with ILM Senior Management to understand capacity issues locally and work in conjunction to mitigate Studio capacity issues, as and when possible

  • Work alongside Talent Management to mentor potential supervisory up-and-coming talent

  • Provide clear, concise and timely feedback for the Show Leadership Team and where appropriate, individual artists on the project

  • Work in conjunction with the Talent Management team to handle individual performance issues on the project. For example, highlighting the issue as early as possible to Talent to work together to confirm a plan of action to deal with the issue

 To be a leader in this team, you will have a mix of these skills:

  • Have lead a compositing team on multiple large feature/episodic projects  

  • Have the ability and confidence to provide feedback to artists/stakeholders of all levels across ILM. You will encourage and mentor your teams to produce the best quality work.

  • Be accountable and responsible for the morale of the people on your show; Being forthcoming with expectations of those on your show

  • Collaborating within, across and outside your show, and using situational awareness to make timely decisions for your show with the studio and the company in mind at all times

  • Prioritising effective communication with your team, including active listening

  • Demonstrate  the ability to recognise what is aesthetically / technically missing in a shot

  • Ability to offer various technical or creative solutions to fit with the budget and schedule of the show

  • Demonstrate the ability to manage artists efficiently toward successful final shots

  • Be aware of new technical developments within and outside ILM

  • Proactively pursue in-depth knowledge of the new developments to further their ability to do leading-edge work

  • Recognize one's limitations in one's current technical knowledge and seek to broaden that knowledge

  • Assist ILM's documentation and dissemination of new techniques developed on the show.

  • Be technically versatile enough to comprehend the several technical solutions to any one problem


This position is with Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. LLC, which is part of a business segment we call Industrial Light & Magic. Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. LLC is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, race, colour, religion or belief, sex, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, disability or pregnancy or maternity. Disney fosters a business culture where ideas and decisions from all people help us grow, innovate, create the best stories and be relevant in a rapidly changing world.

Sobre Industrial Light & Magic:

Fundada em 1975 por George Lucas, a ILM é a principal unidade de efeitos especiais do mundo, atendendo às indústrias do cinema, produção comercial e atrações. A ILM criou efeitos visuais para mais de 325 filmes e desempenhou um papel fundamental em sete dos dez maiores sucessos de bilheteria em todo o mundo e contribuiu para 25 dos 50 melhores. A ILM definiu o padrão para efeitos visuais, criando algumas das imagens mais impressionantes na história do cinema. Na vanguarda da revolução digital, a empresa continua a quebrar abrir novos caminhos em efeitos visuais, realidade virtual, realidade aumentada e cinema imersivo.

Sobre The Walt Disney Company:

A The Walt Disney Company, juntamente com suas subsidiárias e afiliadas, é uma líder diversificada em entretenimento familiar e mídia internacional que inclui três segmentos principais de negócios: Disney Entertainment, ESPN e Disney Experiences. Desde seus primeiros passos como um estúdio de desenho animado na década de 1920 até se tornar o atual nome de destaque na indústria do entretenimento, a Disney orgulhosamente dá continuidade a seu legado de criação de histórias e experiências de padrão internacional para toda a família. As histórias, personagens e experiências da Disney tocam consumidores e visitantes de todas as partes do mundo. Com operações em mais de 40 países, nossos funcionários e colaboradores trabalham juntos para criar experiências de entretenimento adoradas por todos.

Esta vaga é oferecida junto à ILM (Australia) Pty. Ltd., que é parte de um segmento de negócios que chamamos de Industrial Light & Magic.

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  • Animação e efeitos visuais, Sydney, Nova Gales do Sul, AustráliaRemover